Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Still doodling

Found this folded up in my raincoat today so I figured Id post it. Forgot to draw the udders on this cow...but she doesnt appear too troubled by it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Now in Color!

Finally finished coloring the cover art. Still trying to figure out how I can get a nice cover out of this for the teaser comic. Dont want things to look TOO DIY. Thinking of using this for my promotional post card pic too. Now on to scanning, cleaning up and assembling the rest of the pages.

Dammit..i wanna go out and play : P

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Almost there...

Just finished inking the cover of my teaser comic for NYCC. Now to add color and a nice logo....so much more to do! AUUGHH!